Monday, July 30, 2007

There Is No Magic Pill To Weight Loss Over 40

Weight loss over 40 has no magic pill. No matter how hard we wish for it or some people making outrages claims. Weight loss is done by using the simple step by step methods. Eat the right foods and exercise on a well planned out schedule that we follow.

The most powerful tool we have for weight loss is our minds. If you can build the mind set that weight loss is your key to a better life. You are more than half way to the goals you set. Most people can not get past this first step in their weight loss and fitness programs. If you happen to see these reality shows on the extremely overweight people. The mental side of their problems is a big part of their condition. The mind control the human body not the other way around. So exercises your mind along with your body during the weight loss journey.

The right foods is the 2nd step in your weight loss program. If you are staying informed on diet plans you know the right and wrong foods to eat. Everyone knows a Happy Meal is not on the right foods menu. Large amounts of fatty foods, salt, sugar, and dairy products are not on that menu either. Fruits, vegetables, small portions of lean protein, and lots of water are on the right foods menu. You can eat the right foods and not starve.

Exercise is the 3rd and last step on the weight loss program. Exercise is the engine that burns those right foods and produces the weight loss. With every step you take walking... every stroke you take swimming... every mile you peddle biking... and every dance step you are burning calories. Make your calorie burning sessions fun, we are not going to use the four letter word _ _ _ _ out. Setup a schedule and stick to it, you life depends on it. You should have a day of rest between sessions and if you miss a day just do the next schedule day.

You success depends on you and no one else. Do not give yourself a reason to fail. If you have a meal of the wrong foods just move on the next meals with the rights. If you are to sick to exercise on a schedule day move on the the next schedule day when you are feeling better. We all have slip ups, so do not let them stop you from your goals in the weight loss program.

Take Your First Step Today

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G Cook
Internet Marketer
Weight Loss Member

Side Note: Take this with your Magic Pill

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