Monday, July 9, 2007

I Hate Exercise For Weight Loss

I hate exercise for weight loss because it works. You know, every time I do a workout, I feel better. The side affects of the weight loss is a problem. The feeling of being healthy, my clothes fitting, and yes, I am able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. 8=}I hate when some thing works every time you do it.

Here are things that will change and why I hate Exercise

  • It is fun making sure the chair you are going to sit on will support you.
  • Finding clothes big enough that looks good and that covers your, lets say well rounded body.
  • That feeling of winning a marathon going from the La-Z-Boy to the kitchen and for the ultra marathoner, back to La-Z -Boy.
  • That challenge of tying your shoes without passing out
  • Sitting and watching other people being active and enjoying life
  • Taking all those pills for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout, diabetes, taking pain medication for aching knees, legs, back.
Oh how I would miss them. Life would not be same. So listen to me. Some times exercise disguises it self so be careful. Walking a longer distance than the kitchen can be considered exercise. Riding a bike is not fun. It is exercise. Even cleaning the house can be called exercise. Please do yourself a big favor. Do not exercise because it will change you life. You will look in a mirror and not recognize yourself. The clothes you have will hang on you. Little kids will not ask, “do you have a baby in there” and you too ladies.

In conclusion: Do not exercise you will lose weight and your life will change forever.

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