Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cardio is a Waste of Time for Fat Loss by Riss Shachat

Did you know that the most effective way to lose fats is NOT to do CARDIO? And did you also know that 90% of us who wants to lose fats dread to even start exercising to lose fats because of the long, boring cardio exercise that needs to be undertaken? We have all subscribed to the old adage that putting your body on that prolonged, boring, cardio exercise would make you lose weight. STOP! Did I mention lose weight? Yes. That was done deliberately.

Studies have shown that cardio exercises, though designed to uplift your cardiovascular intensity, may do little to burn fats but at the same time, also make you lose muscle tissue. That results in reduction in weight - Loss of Little Fats + Loss of Muscle Fibres. Little fats are burned and muscle tissues are also burned during cardio workouts.

Your body goes into a 'steady' state when a cardio session is undertaken at a constant pace for a long period. When this happens, the body's natural instinct is to strive to conserve calories and this natural instinct places a cap on the amount of calories that could be burned.

However, in Turbulence Training, there is no room for the body to go into a 'steady' state. The alternate intensity the body is exposed to prohibits the body from going to a 'steady' state. So what results? More calories are being burned and that too, at a shorter time!

Turbulence Training has been scientifically proven to show that they can burn fats more effectively than long aerobic workouts. The facts cannot be disputed when it is actually vouched by Craig Ballantyne, a world-renowned trainer who is also a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

Mr. Craig Ballantyne has developed a comprehensive, structured program to lose fats and gain muscles at the same time. The Turbulence Training workouts from his program are surely a god's gift to people like us, who are hassled with so many external pressures of work, family and finance. If all it takes is three intense, short - less than 45 minutes workouts per week to lose that unsightly fat hanging around your physical sphere, I think any of you people reading this article should be rushing to buy this program.

Mr. Craig's has hugely under-priced this program for the excellent value it can offer to anyone. For merely $39.95, you get access to a package that consists of comprehensive e-books and several other bonus products. I remember two year ago, I hired a personal trainer whom I had to pay $45 per hour. I had about 4 sessions, each 3 hours with him and I gave up after he placed me in that boring, long cardio workout witch did not show significant difference.

Today, with this program, I managed to see significant difference within two week. The variety of workouts taught has made my training sessions more fun-filled and it gets even better when I workout with other friends. However, I have got to stress here that as in any fitness program, a healthy diet is equally as important to fuel the body with the necessities. All these information and more are encompassed by this single valuable package!

The internet is hosting a huge smorgasbord of "lose fat fast", "magic tea to melt your fats" and such kind of programs. People are paying hundreds and are expecting miracles to happen over night. Among such programs, Turbulence Training has really stood out. It offers no shortcut to lose fats fast. It still needs you to put the effort and commitment. However, it has also provided scientific proof that such efforts undertaken will not go down the drains.

I have introduced this program to many of my friends and family members. And I am not going to stop here. Any soul whom I hit upon in my gym who is labouringly running on that treadmill to lose those fats, I have taken it as a duty to approach and advise them. What greater satisfaction can there be then to show someone the right, truthful path to achieve their fitness goal. Have I shown you that path yet?

About the Author

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Riss writes review for newly released niche products which offer great value. He works for a company called Reviews Realm.Reviews Realm specializes in reviewing the latest niche products which offer great value for consumers. Each product is carefully scrutinized and reviewed inside out to ensure con

Side Note: Try This For You

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