Saturday, July 21, 2007

Get In Shape: Top Ten Tips To Keep Motivated by Mike Stapenhurst

It's not at all easy to remain motivated to exercise for long periods of time. No matter how optimistic and positive-thinking you are, exercise workouts have the tendency to grow more and more boring as the time goes by. So how could you make your exercise program less monotonous and more fun? Here are a few tips:

1. Set Goals
This can be any thing you want as long as it's realistic. For example if you're a beginner runner, you could aim to run a half marathon within one year. If you're weight lifting it could be to increase your weights (or reps) by a certain percentage by next month. If you have a long range goal, split it up into intemermediate short term goals. A good example is weight loss, aim to lose two pounds the first week instead of trying to focus on a long term goal of say 20 pounds.

2. Try something new.
Do you workout in a gym? Perhaps you can use a different exercise machine or do your exercise program in a different area of the gym. If you exercise at home, try rearranging the order of the exercises.

3. Monitor your progress
This is a big motivator! Keeping a logbook really helps to look back over the previous weeks and see what you have accomplished and what you have missed out. If you're looking for a log book try Personal ( They have an interesting line of logs for different sports.

4. Outdoor circuits in parks
Some parks have established courses and all you need to do is follow the posted instructions. If you need to, devise a course of your own. You could, for instance, come up with a combination of sprinting, jogging and walking inserted with various physical exercises like push ups and stretching.

5. Try hiking or riding a bicycle.
They are both great ways to relax and exercise at the same time. Taking a walk without having a precise destination in mind can be relaxing too. If you've never tried yoga, now is a good time to do so. Yoga helps train the body while you unwind. New scenery can be invigorating, that's why you should try to change the place where you exercise from time to time.

6.Exercise with a friend
Get an exercise buddy or training partner. A partner can give you a challenge, help you and encourage you to continue exercising.

7. Join a club or a team.
Join a running club or local team of soccer or volleyball or you can just get together with some friends and play a match of double tennis or throw some hoops. These activities are a great way to create new friendships.

8. Change your schedule
If possible change your workout times occasionally to avoid the feeling of being in a rut.

9. Visualization
When you are exercising, visualize your muscles becoming bigger. Studies have shown that your muscles respond better to exercise when you focus your entire attention on them. Many successful athletes talk about visualizing themselves crossing the finish line, and this helps them in the actual race.

10. Take Time Off
Professional athletes are very aware of feeling "burned out" mentally as much as physically. If you train all the time this will happen to you too! Make sure you build "time off" into your training schedule. You can do this every two weeks or once a month, whatever works for you. When you come back you'll be 'gung ho' and ready for new challenges.

There you have it -- several ways you can make your exercise program more fun and appealing, and certainly less monotonous. The key point is to have goals and eliminate repetitive routine so you don't become bored. Use your imagination and you'll have a great time exercising.

About the Author

Mike is a long-time fitness enthusiast, runner and walker. He is co-author of the book "Marathon Training Tips". He maintains a website "26.2" about marathon information and training at 26.2 - The Marathon Website and is a contributing author to the Get In Shape website.

Side Note: Take the first step now

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