Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Weight Loss Is About Getting The Right Information

How many times have you tried to lose weight? How many times have you failed?The question you must ask yourself is why you keep on failing with so many weight loss products available.

People are desperate for something that is going to help them get the results that they want. People that have problems with their weight are desperate to lose weight and are driven to pay millions of dollars of their money each year in the vain hope of finding something that is going to help them do that.

Unfortunately there are a number of unscrupulous companies that are prepared to take advantage of the situation, by making outrageous claims about what their products can do.

Anyone promising you that you will lose large amounts of weight in a short time is after one thing,your money. It is possible to lose 30 pounds a month, just stop eating. However this will only be a temporary answer and very soon all the weight will return.

Even with all the products available, statistics show that 91% of the people that try to lose weight through conventional methods fail to lose any significant weight for any length of time. Reading this does it not make it obvious that something is wrong with this picture.

The dilemma lies in not so much with the people that use dieting but with the information that is NOT provided to them. I know there is a ton of information out there, but that obviously isn't working.

There is one key element that is essential if you want to lose weight, without this factor you will find it very difficult if not impossible to lose weight in the long term.

Your mindset plays a massive role in whether you do or don't lose weight,without the correct mindset you are looking at failure. It's incredible that this factor is ignored,simpley because everything starts with the mind first,if your mind isn't prepared how can you succeed.

You can compare your sub-conscious to a computer. your sub-conscious is like a satallite picking up signals that you are not even aware of. Using this information it creates a picture of who you are and what your role is in your world. Your sub-conscious will push you into behaving in a way that suits the picture it has of you. It doesn't test to see if this information is true, it doesn't judge this information, and it doesn't care how this information affects you. All that it is interested in is creating your self image, protecting it, and make your behaviours fit it.

If you are overweight, your sub-conscious will have an image of you as a person who is overweight. This image has been created through the messages that have been sent to it over the years.

Your sub-conscious picks up messages that you are not even aware of.Even the most trivial of things can have consequences regarding your self image:

Your sub-conscious has been getting messages for years telling it that you are an overweight person,it gets these messages from you,your behaviours and all that you see and hear.Is it any wonder that it fights you when you try to lose weight.

All these messages have been reinforced over the years and are strongly embedded into your self image and your behaviour will be reflected by that.

Things go great for a week or two,and then you start to struggle and i think you know where i'm coming from. You find that thoughts and excuses enter your mind, which begin to stop you from doing what you know you should be doing and your motivation and willpower begins to erode, and soon you are back to where you started.

This happens because the changes that you are trying to make do not fit in with your self image, and your sub-conscious mind begins to move you away from what you are trying to do. Many of your behaviours are based on what is in your sub-conscious and it is very powerful. Its saing to you 'hey what do you think you're doing?an overweight person doesn't do these sort of things,stop right now!'. This is why many people fail to lose weight.

The question is how can you change your self image? You must send different messages to your sub-conscious to replace the old ones that you have been getting for years. Now this is the important part. The information you feed your sub-conscious does not have to be true, it just needs to be supplied on a regular daily basis. Your sub-conscious doesn't care if the information is true or not, if it continues to receive it, it will then have to produce a result based on the messages it gets, it's that simple.

One of the best ways to send new information is through affirmations; these are short statements which are repeated on a regular basis. You must write your affirmations in a way that shows that you have already achieved them.Start everything with 'I'am' not 'I can' or 'I will'.This is done because 'I am' means you are already there and thats the message you are sending.The others are jus hopes and wishes. Copy out the ones below and add any others that you feel will help you.

I am healthy, I easily lose weight, I am strong mentally and physically, I enjoy exercise, I eat food which I know is good for me, I am a very motivated person, I achieve anything that I want to, I am a winner.

It's more powerful if you can say these out aloud, and say them with determination, conviction, and really feel the meaning behind the words. It's important that you say these words first thing in the morning, last thing at night and a few times during the day. You must do this daily for 21 days,the reason behind this time frame is that it takes this long to form a new habit.

Don't forget that it doesn't matter if these statements are not true, it's not important. What's important is that your sub-conscious mind keeps getting these messages. You may even feel a little silly at first, ignore these thoughts and just do it.

Within a week or so you will start to notice changes within yourself. You may find that your motivation to lose weight is really high. However do not change your diet or begin an exercise program, just follow the steps for 21 days and then start your weight loss program. By this time you should be itching to start.

Continue with the affirmations once you begin your weight loss program, as this will continue to reinforce and strengthen your motivation. There are many people who will try to put you off.Just keep it to yourself and picture the looks on their faces a few months down the road! You have nothing to lose, but think what you could gain.

By: Terry Sandhu

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Easierway offers a downloadable version of its weight loss course.With a few simple clicks you can have the course on your computer within minutes.Get it now from www.easierwayz.com

Side Note: For The Right Information Click Here

Monday, July 30, 2007

Staying Fit Is The Best Revenge

There are more people getting fitter after forty than ever before.

We now know that it is possible, and desirable, to keep exercising into old age.

Exercise will help prevent the onset of many diseases associated with old age, i.e. arthritis, rheumatism, poor circulation, heart disease, obesity. The benefits are endless.

Exercise is also known to improve the sex drive. This is due to improved blood flow to all the organs.

OK, Hugh Heffner needs to use a little Viagra, but when you are as active as him, at his age, it’s to be expected. Last I heard he has three lovers who he is “faithful” to and keeps satisfied. I can’t wait to get to his age!

There are senior weight lifters setting new records almost daily. Senior bodybuilders are destroying the younger competitors. Athletes in every field are being amazed by the seniors.

This is not to say that the oldies are as fast as the youngsters in top competition, “but they are darn close”

You do not have to compete against others to enjoy fitness. Just find something that is fun.

Walking is a great exercise and if you get away from all the traffic it is most relaxing. If you feel strange walking on your own why not take the dog out more often. If you don’t have a dog, borrow one, I’m sure there is an elderly person near you who would be glad of a dog walker.

How about starting a dog walking business? There are loads of people who are working long hours and do not have the time to walk their dogs. Getting paid to exercise sounds like a winner to me. It’s also a good way to meet like minded people and make friends.

Swimming is a fantastic way to keep fit and healthy. Most pools have adult only sessions so you will not be dive bombed by spotty youths. Swimming is a gentle exercise that takes the strain of joints and today’s heated pools are a great benefit to sufferers of arthritis and rheumatism.

If you have not done any exercise for a long time you need to start of gently. It took years to turn you into a couch potato and you can not become an Adonis overnight.

The main thing is to start slowly without forcing anything. If you have not done any walking (except for shopping) for a few years then a walk of a few hundred yards may feel like a marathon but it will be a start. Walk a little further each day and it will become easier. If you are with a dog, play fetch, it will get a few more muscles working and the dog will love you more.

If you can only swim a few feet before stopping for breath, that’s OK. Go again a few days later and swim a bit further before catching your breath. You will soon be swimming lengths of the pool with ease.

If you decide to work out in the gym, do not try to lift the whole rack of weights on your first day, maybe day 2. Start out with an empty bar until you get a feel for the exercises and then slowly add weight as you master the movements.

Perform only one set of each exercise the first few times you work out. You will feel like doing more but this will only set you up for sore muscles the next few days, and may even make you to sore to go to work.

Take time to learn strict form with each exercise and do not jerk the weights. Ask advice from the instructors, it’s what they are paid for.

Do not forget to warm up and do some stretches before starting any vigorous exercise. This warm up becomes more important as we get older and will help prevent injuries and lay offs.

The programs you see on the TV are not real life (that goes on outside in the real world) they are scripted. Do you want to be a lazy couch potato or youthful and active? The choice is yours.

By: JohnBeck

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

visit my blog for more informative articles dedicated to health and fitness. gym-talk.blogspot.com

Side Note: Take Action Quick

There Is No Magic Pill To Weight Loss Over 40

Weight loss over 40 has no magic pill. No matter how hard we wish for it or some people making outrages claims. Weight loss is done by using the simple step by step methods. Eat the right foods and exercise on a well planned out schedule that we follow.

The most powerful tool we have for weight loss is our minds. If you can build the mind set that weight loss is your key to a better life. You are more than half way to the goals you set. Most people can not get past this first step in their weight loss and fitness programs. If you happen to see these reality shows on the extremely overweight people. The mental side of their problems is a big part of their condition. The mind control the human body not the other way around. So exercises your mind along with your body during the weight loss journey.

The right foods is the 2nd step in your weight loss program. If you are staying informed on diet plans you know the right and wrong foods to eat. Everyone knows a Happy Meal is not on the right foods menu. Large amounts of fatty foods, salt, sugar, and dairy products are not on that menu either. Fruits, vegetables, small portions of lean protein, and lots of water are on the right foods menu. You can eat the right foods and not starve.

Exercise is the 3rd and last step on the weight loss program. Exercise is the engine that burns those right foods and produces the weight loss. With every step you take walking... every stroke you take swimming... every mile you peddle biking... and every dance step you are burning calories. Make your calorie burning sessions fun, we are not going to use the four letter word _ _ _ _ out. Setup a schedule and stick to it, you life depends on it. You should have a day of rest between sessions and if you miss a day just do the next schedule day.

You success depends on you and no one else. Do not give yourself a reason to fail. If you have a meal of the wrong foods just move on the next meals with the rights. If you are to sick to exercise on a schedule day move on the the next schedule day when you are feeling better. We all have slip ups, so do not let them stop you from your goals in the weight loss program.

Take Your First Step Today

You have permission to reprint this Article in it's entirety in your newsletters or blogs. Also please feel free to pass it along to others who you think would enjoy it. Please leave all links active and working.

G Cook
Internet Marketer
Weight Loss Member

Side Note: Take this with your Magic Pill

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fat Loss Eating Plans - Lose Fat, Not Just Weight by Jason Conley

What do most people say when they decide they need to go on a diet? "I need to lose weight." Right? What they really mean is that they need to lose excess body fat. Unfortunately many people end up losing weight in ways they shouldn't. They often lose weight through dehydration and through losing muscle mass.

Many diets can result in the loss of weight though the loss of water. When you consider that two-thirds of your body weight is water, it seems logical that you could lose a lot of weight by getting rid of excess water. Of course it doesn't work that way. If you don't get enough water, it won't take long for you to start showing symptoms of dehydration; headache, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, and more. How long would you want to stick with a diet with those results?

One reason low-carb diets became so popular was because of the rapid results. Some of the initial weight loss was the result of water loss because carbs bind with water. It doesn't take long for the water weight to return.

Be sure your plan includes plenty of water. You will be healthier and won't retain water like you do if you cut your water intake. Once your body adjusts to getting enough water, it doesn't try to hold on to it like it does when it is water deprived.

When you are trying to lose fat by following a fat lose eating plan, you should also start a light weight training program. In addition to helping you stay fit and look great, building muscle will help you lose more fat. That's because muscle burns more calories than fat.

Estimates about how many calories muscle burns vary. The most common numbers are between 35 and 50 calories per day, with one estimate as low as 6 calories per day. One thing all the experts agree on though is that resistance (weight) training during dieting helps prevent the loss of lean muscle mass. It's worth noting that people starting a body building program actually increase the number of calories they eat. They just eat the right types of calories.

A weight training program doesn't have to be complicated, and ladies, don't worry about getting bulky. Unless you work out 1-2 hours a day, you will slim down, not bulk up.

When you are selecting a diet plan, insure it won't result in weight loss but no actual fat loss. Weight loss due to dehydration and muscle loss will work against your actual plan of fat loss. Once you lose the weight (and the fat,) you want to be able to keep it off. If you go about it the right way, you can still have rapid results without risking your health.

About the Author

Jason Conley struggled with weight loss on and off for years. While in the military (Air Force, 15-years) he often needed to drop a few pounds before a PT test and weigh-in. He started http://fat-loss-eating.com to help others who would like to lose weight. Get information on rapid fat loss using methods you have never tried before.

Side Note: Take Action Now

Do Your Research About Weight Loss Programs

Many of us are quite familiar with programs such as “Lose weight while eating all you want,” “Melt your fat away even while you are asleep,” etc. People are looking for speedy ways to lose weight. They want to shed their pounds without putting forth any effort. Many are taken for a ride when they sign up for these programs.

Obesity leads one into serious health problems. These may include a greater risk of stroke, heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. If you do not want any of these diseases, you could beat them by acting smart before they get you! You should lose your extra pounds to help reduce these health risks.

Are you aware of the fact that you could lose weight without wasting money? Instead of getting yourself into quick-fix programs, learn to do some research and find some facts in this matter. Learn about the facts of health hazards in being obese and ways for successful weight loss.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

§ First of all do not ever fall for those ads, which promise that you could lose weight effortlessly - you had put on those pounds and it is for you to take them off, too. Does that sound reasonable?
§ Do not blindly follow very low-caloric diet without medical supervision. You may deprive you of the essential nutrients.
§ Do not fall for diet pills or patches or any such thing. Do not waste money on pills or capsules that promise to ‘block your appetite’ or ‘burn your fat’ etc. Such pills are detrimental to your health and could have serious side effects.
§ Sudden changes in your diet and weight may not sustain for too long. Many ‘crash’ dieters lose weight only to find them binging on fat foods again.
§ A healthy way to lose weight is to bring in a gradual change in your eating habits and maintain yourself with a fitful exercise. Have a reasonable goal.
§ Develop healthy eating habits.

Millions of Americans enroll themselves diet programs without even checking the validity of these programs. You would be smart to find out the following before you get caught into such programs.

Check with any of these programs and see if it is really for you. Consider these points:

§ Are there any health risks?
§ Is it a proven program?
§ Does the program help its customers to maintain a proper weight?
§ Does it involve any crash diet system?
§ Is the fee reasonable?
§ Is there any health insurance?
§ Is there any follow-up program and counseling services for members?
§ Does the program include any exercise regimen along with diet menu, etc.?
§ Can the program give references?

Check these factors before you sign up for any weight loss program.

Please bear in mind that no one can lose weight effortlessly. A balanced diet and regular exercise should help one to maintain an ideal weight. It would be wise to consult with your doctor or a dietician before you start on a weight loss program.

By: wiseowl

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

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Side Note: Do Some Research Here

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Exercise for Middle Age Folks

“Regular physical activity provides greater protection from disease and disability than anything medical science has to offer. If exercise was a pill, it would be the most widely prescribed drug with the most varied benefits upon all aspects of health.” --Dr. Walter Bortz, Stanford Medical School

If you don’t make the time for physical activity you will be making time for sickness and disease. Dottie Drake, R.N. has created an exercise program geared specifically for folks over 40. It’s called The Miracles Program and it’s amazingly simple. Dottie doesn’t offer an elaborate diet plan. Rather, here is her philosophy about eating: don’t eat so much. Whatever grows in the ground, eat as much as you want. For everything else, cut your portions in half. Dottie’s exercise program is equally simple. There are six movements we must do daily to make sure we’re getting the full benefit of a decent workout. All good physical exercise programs are basically the same: cardiovascular exercise to warm up the body, and then strengthening through weight training.

Strength training is the best preventative medicine for arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity and some cancers. It increases balance and coordination and makes bones and joints stronger. Strength training preserves muscle while helping you lose weight. It also prevents bone loss, and may actually increase bone density. Weight training “grows back” lost muscle. Muscle tissue is the one area in health where we can state with absolute scientific certainty that if you don’t use it, you lose it. With muscle loss, you become “old.” The shuffle sets in because the front thigh muscle (quadriceps) is weak. Trouble bending or getting up from the floor comes from weakened muscles in the back part of the thighs (hamstrings). Getting up out of a chair becomes a struggle because arm muscles (that baggy waving thing under your arm; the triceps) have never been strengthened. This weakness has little to do with chronological aging. Obese or overweight men and women in their thirties and forties have trouble getting up and down. It is not aging that makes us old, it is loss of muscle.

When you approach any weight-lifting activity think of a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being “easy as pie” (like lifting a pencil) and 5 being “all I’ve got.” You should start at about a “3,” not too easy but not difficult either. Gradually, you can train your muscles to do more lifting repetitions with more weight but at first, be happy to just move. For easier reference, here is a summary of Dr. Miriam Nelson’s intensity scale, taken from her Strong Women Stay Slim program:

Level 1: very easy, like lifting a pencil
Level 2: easy like carrying a book
Level 3: moderate like carrying a heavy handbag
Level 4: hard like lifting heavy groceries
Level 5: extremely hard like lifting a heavy chair.

Remember, you want to start your weight training exercises at about Level 3.

In Dottie’s fitness centers, clients start the program by using six basic machines (though more are available) with one set of 8 to 12 repetitions on each machine. In the Miracles Program, you will alternate between upper and lower body strengthening. Give these simple exercises a try at home, if your physician has cleared you to do so: EXERCISE #1: STREGNTHENING THE UPPER BACK

Think of hugging someone. Your upper back muscles pull them toward you. Hugging is a good thing; we should do more of it. You also use these muscles when you open a window, lift a toddler in the air, or jump up and yell “touchdown” when the Eagles score, which may not be all that often, so let’s stick to hugging.

AT HOME: Make sure you have a stable, “hard” chair. Sit on the edge of the chair with your feet flat in front of you. If you are using resistance bands, place the tubing under both feet and hold the handles. If you are using free weights, place them on your knees to begin. Make sure your back is straight.

Essentially, this motion is one of sitting upright, and rowing. AT HOME: Sitting with a straight back posture, use your arms to pull the handles slowly and smoothly to the lower chest and return to starting position. Do not pull weight with lower back. Stop if there is any pain in your neck. Initially, you may only be able to pull to bend the elbow. This is fine for a start. If you can, there are no limits on how far you should pull. You can bring back your arms to pinch your shoulder blades, as long as there is no pain. As with all the movements in this program, the goal is to exercise only to “pain free range of motion.” That is, you want to move the muscles as far as you can within the desired range, and without pain.

Do one set of 10-15 repetitions, using slow comfortable movements. Breathe out when you pull the weight to you. As you improve, the Program will help you increase sets, repetitions, and weight. For now, enjoy the hugging. NOW STRETCH:

NOTE: When just starting a program, it is particularly important to stretch each muscle group after lifting. Recall that the 20 minute cardiovascular routine warmed all your muscles, the weights strengthen them, and then you must stretch.

After your resistance training on the upper back muscles, do this simple stretch: Place your right hand on the opposite shoulder with the left hand on your right elbow. With left hand, slowly pull the right arm across your chest without rotating at the waist. Pull until a mild tension is felt along the rear shoulder and upper back. Hold for 15 seconds. When stretching, remember:

• NEVER “bounce” your muscles;
• Just stretch to the point of mild tension;
• Hold each stretch for at least 15 seconds;
• Stretching is peaceful. Breathe and enjoy.

Getting up from the couch (which I hope you’ll do plenty), getting out of the car, and kind of rising and sitting action requires strong legs. The exercise isolates the largest muscle groups in the body: the quadriceps (thighs), hamstrings (back of the legs), and gluteus (buttocks). These muscles contribute to walking, balancing, rising, and sitting. They are critical to a happy and productive lifestyle. No more struggling getting in and out of the car.

AT HOME: This is called a “standing squat” and it pushes the same muscles as a leg press machine in a gym. Stand behind a chair, with both hands on the back of the chair for balance. Position your feet approximately should width apart. Breathe, and focus on your butt and legs.

This exercise mimics sitting down and getting up, without going all the way to a chair level. Exercise your lower body by flexing at the hip and knee as if sitting down. Descend until the thighs are parallel to the ground, or as you can tolerate it. Return to the starting position. Make sure your knees do not go over and block your feet. Your butt should stick out, not your knees. You should be able to see your feet as you attempt to sit.


Do 8-10 repetitions initially. If you are at home, you may only be able to “sit down” and “stand back up” a few times. That’s fine. As you progress, you will do two to three sets of 8-10 repetitions but for now, just get comfortable with the weights and the movement.

Stand behind a chair, or hold onto a waist-high bar at the gym. Place both hands on the bar or chair for balance. Place the left foot forward and extend the right foot back. Maintain a straight back posture with eyes forward. Bend the left leg at the knee while keeping the right leg straight with the heel down. Stop when mild tension is felt in the upper thigh and calf. Make sure the left knee does not extend past the tip of the toes. Hold for 15 seconds, and the repeat on the other side. Stretching feels good. It’s important to lengthen your muscles after you tighten them. You are going to look and feel really good.

When you wave goodbye to someone, does your arm muscle wave too? This movement exercises the chest muscles and triceps, thus contributing to lifting and carrying. Women can usually easily identify the triceps muscle as that awful saggy thing that flaps around under the arm. Let’s firm that up, okay? Next time you’re the grand marshal of a parade, you can wave like crazy and not be embarrassed.

AT HOME: You can either sit on the edge of a stable chair, or stand for this exercise. Place the resistance band around your back, and grasp the handles so they are positioned at chest height just to the sides of your body. Keep your back straight.

With a straight back posture, slowly push your arms straight out to the full elbow extension (without “locking”) and return to the starting position. Do not lean forward from the waist. This may be performed with a single arm, alternatively, if double arm resistance is too great. Every body is different. Do not be concerned about what anyone else can do; do what you can.

Again, 10-15 repetitions initially is a good start. If you can do this carefully ten times, then rest and repeat that set again. Eventually, we will increase your repetitions and sets.

To stretch your chest muscle simply extend your arms behind you, as if you were in a doorframe, holding onto the frame and leaning forward. Remember not to incur any pain. If this stretch is painful or difficult you simply lift up your shoulders and try to roll them backwards and then forward. Hold for 15 seconds, and then repeat on the opposite side. You have actually completed a total strengthening program by just doing these three simple movements. The next three areas are important because these muscles weaken without use and this causes us to stop participating in life.

If you have trouble going up stairs or getting your body weight up from a sitting position you need to focus on strengthening your thighs (quadriceps). Essentially, this motion is going to require you to lift weight with your ankles, while seated. You can see where such a movement would strengthen your thigh muscles. Older people who “shuffle” have simply lost muscle in the quadriceps. Never fear, Dottie is here! Muscle grows back, no matter how old or frail or fat you are! Alleluia, let’s do it.

AT H OME: You don’t need to use the “rubber bands” for this exercise. Simply sit comfortably in a chair, making sure your back is supported. A hard back chair is better than an “easy” chair or couch.

AT HOME: Lift your legs (both at once if you can tolerate it) and hold for the count of five. Put your legs down, rest, and repeat. The weight of your legs is providing the resistance you need to work the quadriceps. Later, when you are more advanced, you can add ankle weights to increase the resistance.

If working at home, start with your own leg/body weight. As you muscle builds you can add weight using anything that makes sense: start with a heavy towel on each ankle and build up gradually. In the gym or at home, start with 8-10 repetitions.

If you have knee problems, be very careful about the stretch after this movement. If you are doing this stretch at home, place both hands on the back of a chair for balance. Position the balls of your feet on the chair rail (make sure you have the right kind of chair, and that it is sturdy). Keeping your knees locked (but not over-extended, lean your body slightly towards the front of the chair. Stop when mild tension is felt in the calves. Hold for 15 seconds.

You can also simply stand on a bottom step. Move back so that the balls of your feet are supporting all your weight. Make sure you have something to hold onto. Slowly drop your heels and hold it, stretching your calf muscles. Do not do this stretch sequence if you have knee problems. Remember, though, knee “problems” or weakness, stroke, disability, age, or obesity is no excuse not to be healthy. No matter what shape your body is in, it can be better.

WHY: We have already focused on your upper back and now we will isolate some specific arm muscles. We are going to train that triceps, the “saggy arm muscle,” that loose swinging thing hanging between your shoulder and your elbow. In conjunction with your upper back muscles, this muscle is critically important to lifting, carrying, rising, and sitting. Did you ever notice how obese people rock back and forth when trying to get out of a chair? That’s because they have no triceps muscle; loss of muscle due to inactivity essentially turns the tissue to fat and weakness and disease results. By rebuilding the triceps, no matter what your weight or physical condition, you will have the strength to push your body weight up out of a chair. This muscle also tones beautifully.

AT HOME: Essentially, this will be a “push down” movement. You can use resistance bands or your own body weight. Put the bands around your shoulders, behind your neck, using a towel to buffer if necessary. If you want to simply work in a chair with sturdy arms, sit comfortable at a height where you can push palm down on the arms.

AT HOME: Gently push the resistance bands down, equally with both hands. You should feel this in that triceps muscle. Imagine doing a push-up, where you use your whole body weight to push up off the floor. This is the movement we are mimicking.

Start with 8-10 repetitions, focusing on the triceps muscle. Again, the reps and sets will increase, along with weight, as you gain strength. And I promise, you will.

If you have shoulder problems or pain, to stretch simply roll your shoulders to loosen and stretch after lifting. Without pain, you can also bend your arms up to touch the front of your shoulders. Then, using the right arm, gently push the left elbow up towards the ceiling only as high as you can without pain to stretch the triceps. Hold for 10-15 seconds, and repeat on the other side.

WHY: This is the last of the basic weight training movements and it focuses on the hamstring muscle (back of the thigh). The hamstring contributes to walking, balancing, rising, and sitting. If atrophied or injured, it can cause you to be unable to bend and tie your shoe or get down on the floor.

AT HOME: Again the “rubber bands” are not required to work your hamstrings at home (or at the office, or wherever you are). Simply stand up behind a sturdy chair and hold on.

AT HOME: Alternating legs, lift your heel off the floor as high as is comfortable; if you can try, lift it towards your butt repeatedly. Focus on that hamstring muscle. As with the leg extensions, you are using your own body weight as resistance. When you are ready to advance, you will add ankle weights to increase resistance.

Do 8-10 repetitions, one set to start.

Using a bench or stairs, lift one leg up and place it heel down on the bench. Your foot does not need to be more than two feet off the ground; it does not need to be at hip level at all. All we need is some slight resistance. Simply stretch your leg by bringing your toes up and backwards. Hold each leg in a stretch for at least 10-15 seconds. If you find it difficult to balance standing up (even while holding on to a bar or chair), simply do this stretch by sitting on the floor and flexing your toes.

It is never too late to be healthy. Don’t be discouraged and don’t hurt yourself but it really is time to turn off the TV and learn to feel good again. Who knows? Someday maybe you’ll be hiking, riding a bike or a horse, or even climbing a mountain. Or you may simply be happy to be able to lift your grandchild or tie your sneaker without back pain. Whatever your goal, just remember to keep the program simple, do it as often as possible, and don’t get frustrated.

Phyllis Coletta is a 49 year old mother of three who works outdoors in Colorado, providing people with the opportunity to love the wilderness, ride horses, go rafting, and rock climbing. She’d love to see more middle age and older people at the beautiful ranch where she lives and works at KB Mountain Adventures. For more information, see http://www.kbmountainadventures.com

Dottie Drake, R.N. runs several Miracles Fitness Centers in New Jersey and is a nationally recognized speaker on the topic of senior fitness. For more information about Dottie and The Miracles Program see http://www.miraclesfitness.com

Side Note: Make it happen Now

Friday, July 27, 2007

Are You Overweight Because You're Not Sleeping Enough?

If you're like me, you probably wish that there was a way for you to lose weight without having to put in much effort, right?

Everyone knows the importance of exercise and how it helps us with weight loss, but on some days don't we all wish we can just sleep in bed and lose weight at the same time?

Well, I've got some great news for you...

Sleep is a critical part of your weight loss program!

This is a little-known fact, but did you know that sleep can affect your weight? Rather, it's the lack of sleep that can make you put on unnecessary weight. You may actually lose more weight if only you were to sleep more every day. What an intriguing thought, isn't it?

In a review of several studies examining the impact of sleep on the regulation of metabolism, Dr. Eve Van Cauter, Professor and Research Associate at the University of Chicago, noted that the association between hormones and sleep was identified more than 30 years ago when it was reported that adult men secrete growth hormone during the early phase of sleep. Since then, research has indicated a harmful effect of sleep loss on the endocrine system and glucose modulation.

One study examined the effect of sleep debt and sleep recovery on hormone concentrations and glucose tolerance in healthy males ages 18-27. One week of sleep restriction produced dramatic results: a 30 percent slower response to both the glucose tolerance test and acute insulin response compared with results in rested subjects. Sleep deprivation also raised the 24-hour cortisol profile.

Another study found that sleep deprivation resulted in 30 percent lower levels of leptin. Amazingly, the effect is similar to that observed with caloric restriction (3,000 calories over 3 days), signaling a negative energy balance.

A more recent study examined the effect of 10 vs. 4 hours of sleep on appetite. Subjects who slept 4 hours were always hungry and craved starchy, sweet, and salty foods. These results suggest that sleep deprivation produces a signal mimicking negative energy balance, inducing people to eat and thereby predisposing to obesity.

These results indicate an association between sleep debt and obesity. Sleep deprivation would affect glucose tolerance and leptin levels and increase the appetite for unhealthy foods. She noted that sleep restriction would have greater impact on obese individuals, who have higher leptin levels to begin with, and on older adults.

Dr. Van Cauter also noted that the studies were performed in males only. Because females have higher baseline levels of some hormones (e.g. leptin), sleep restriction might have worse effects in women than in men.

Hey, did you notice the groups which were mentioned specifically in the last 2 paragraphs that may be more severely affected by sleep deprivation? I'll recap them here again: (1) obese individuals, (2) older adults, and (3) women.

That's really crucial for us because this means if you're a woman over 40, not getting enough sleep will probably make you feel hungry constantly and crave for all the unhealthy foods even more as compared to other people. And the more overweight you are, the more you may be affected by the lack of sleep.

Not surprisingly, another study has indeed found an inverse relationship between increased body mass index (BMI) and sleep duration in women. That is, women who do not sleep enough tend to be more overweight than women who get sufficient sleep.

And just in case you still believe in the myth that "Oh, it's alright because I'll catch up on my sleep on the weekends", you should note that Dr. Van Cauter also made the following observation: Sleep debt is generally not paid back fully by weekend sleep. I suppose this is kind of like the saying "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away" -- eating 7 apples on Sunday instead of 1 a day just isn't going to give you the same results!

Now, I'm _not_ saying that you don't have to exercise and all you have to do to lose weight is to sleep it off. Exercise, strength training and physical activities in general are vital components of a permanent weight loss program.

It's simply that if you don't sleep enough, you'll just be making it more difficult for yourself to lose the extra weight. There's no point in sabotaging your chances of weight loss success if it's a simple matter of making sure you get enough sleep every night, right? I mean, how much easier can it get?

According to William Dement, Stanford University sleep researcher, adults need about 8 hours of sleep a night. Try your best to get this amount every day, and you'll reduce one more obstacle in your path to attaining your desired ideal weight. Simple idea, isn't it?

Copyright 2005 Tracy Lee

About the Author

Tracy Lee is the owner of the "Weight Loss for Women Over 40" site. Get the latest news, tips & tricks that can help women over 40 to lose weight safely and permanently, and your complimentary copy of our Special Report "9 Little-Known Insider Weight Loss Secrets To Help Women Over 40 Make Those Extra Pounds Disappear" instantly here:


Side Note: Wake Up Click Here

The Fat of the Matter and Other Diet Myths

The Fat of the Matter and other Diet Myths By Dr. Nikki Goldman Ph.D. Caryn had spent most of the previous ten years on a diet. As a result, she was two sizes larger than when she first began. A binge followed each period of restriction. Her self-esteem was lower than ever. She hated herself for not having self-control.

It turned out, most of the time Caryn was starving herself. She had chosen a well thought-out and balanced diet, yet she spent many nights going to sleep feeling hungry. About an hour after breakfast she felt hungry again. It seemed that hunger was a constant companion. "It couldn't be anything wrong with the diet," she thought. "I’m using a nationally recognized diet accepted by most nutritionists as a sound plan. Something must be wrong with me."

The only thing wrong with her was that she didn't listen to her body's signals. Caryn needed more food and her body told her so. I helped her integrate foods with more bulk. She ate more whole grains and beans. She finally felt that her body was getting enough nutrition. She felt satisfied. Her calorie intake was two to three times what it had been, yet she lost inches everywhere. Within several months she was wearing a smaller size. Once she learned the "Success for the Diet Dropout" method, she was careful not to restrict any type of food. Food deprivation triggers desire for excessive amounts of food.

Food restriction plays havoc with the natural cycle of nerve chemicals, says Sarah Leibowitz Ph.D., professor of neurobiology at Rockefeller University in New York City. Research with laboratory rats supports this claim. These animals were forced to eat a restrictive diet. Once the restriction was removed, their appetites were insatiable. They gorged and increased their consumption of fat from a typical 35 percent of calories to as much as 60 percent of calories.

Yet some people persist in opposing the natural order of things by dieting. When they cannot maintain this level of deprivation, they feel shamed. It is as though they have done something immoral. It feels bad when the drive to eat overrides the desire to sustain a diet. With the failure, depression often results, further fueling the need to eat. Jonathan came to me, upset with himself that he couldn't go 24 hours without eating. He used this unrealistic expectation to berate himself. He viewed himself as weak-willed and hated himself for this. I wonder if he would have been as critical if he couldn't hold his breath for 15 minutes. Working against one's own natural instincts is quite obvious in this example. However, those who want to diet don't realize that the restriction of a forced eating plan taps into the same mechanism: opposition to nature.

Stomach Owners' Instruction Manual: When Hungry, Eat; When Not Hungry, Don't Eat

Janie was in the process of re-learning how to read her body's need for food. She had difficulty with eating at night. In the first week, she noticed a change in her night binge eating. She had a spoonful of ice cream instead of the typical bowl. But she still had difficulty allowing herself to eat when she was hungry. She was upset with herself for eating a half of a turkey sandwich one evening about 7:00 p.m. The conversation went like this:

Dr. G. Were you hungry? J. Yes, but I still could have tried to not eat. Dr. G. What would have been the point of that? J. Then I would have been exercising some sense of control. Dr. G. It is one thing to control the compulsion to eat when you are not hungry. It is quite an other to try and control hunger.

I then proceeded to tell her the story about the young man who wanted to abstain from eating for 24 hours. She could see the absurdity in this need. She said his expectations were unrealistic. Yet she couldn't quite see that her own demand was just as impractical.

If your body is hungry, eat. If it's not hungry, don't eat. The urge to eat is a force as strong as the current of the river. Accept this fact, and you will stop resisting this natural need and find an alternative to dieting.

For more on this subject go to SuccessForTheDietDropout.com

Success for the Diet Dropout:Proven Strategies for Women who Want to Stop Hating Their Bodies. If diets don’t work what does? People need successful strategies. These empowering and practical techniques will rid the diet mentality and improve eating habits, overall fitness & let the body find it’s own natural size

Side Note: Here is a Website that really matters

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fitness and Exercise Guide And Advice

According to few insulin levels play the largest role in losing weight. Other experts determine that our body type is the key to finding the proper exercises and diet plans that work with the body. To find out your body type you will need to talk to your doctor, or else visit the World Wide Net to find answers to your questions. Other details are available over the Internet that can help you decide on which diet is best for you, as well as which exercises works best with your body.

To achieve a healthier status and maintain weight diet must combine with exercise, since one without the other will not work. Combining healthy provisions with correct exercises can bring you good health and physical fitness, which will enhance your quality of life. It will also help you keep your body’s zone to a level.

The body and mind is complicated, however both work together to produce results. Many experts, including theorists, doctors, scientist, and philosophers are continuing to find answers to the body’s functions.

Some of the confusion comes when people diet, exercise and take care of them self, yet they still gain weight. Barry Sears wrote a compelling book titled A Week in the Zone, which produced some outstanding advice. Some of the information in the book helps us to decide on exercises and diets that suit us best, since insulin plays a large part in healthier living. The author lets us know that the hormones consequence of intakes of carbohydrates and caloric differ from the hormones that produce protein and calories. , he continues letting us know that the effects of hormones that produce fats and calories too differ in the direction of health. (p. 3)

The author brings us to see that a balance is needed, yet the balance is factored by the different hormonal levels. Thus, eating healthy, giving the body proper fluids and exercising is the only answer to living a productive and quality lifestyle.

One of the biggest setbacks that people adhere to is making excuses to avoid dieting and exercise. Countless of people find it easier said than done to stick with diet and exercise programs that facilitates them to remain healthy while maintaining weight.

One of the largest reasons is that most people do not understand their body and its type, or have difficulty adhering to a schedule. One of the largest reasons why this happens is that many people find it difficult to plan, set goals that work, and find solutions that help the person maintain a schedule. The threesome is the ultimate tools for working toward good health and fitness. If you are uncertain of the types of exercises, this too can hold you back. Walking up and down the stairs is an aerobic exercise. Mowing the lawn is another type of exercise. Anytime the body is in motion, producing actions it is exercising. Lifting 12’ ounces of beer is not an exercise. Alcohol if overused will affect the body and mind dramatically.

About The Author

Peter Curtis is a full time aerobics instructer in Las Vegas. In his spare time he writes articles andguides for various website and online publications.

Check out these great Health Fitness tips or the more specific Aerobic Exercise advice.

Side Note: Take Action Now

Cardio is a Waste of Time for Fat Loss by Riss Shachat

Did you know that the most effective way to lose fats is NOT to do CARDIO? And did you also know that 90% of us who wants to lose fats dread to even start exercising to lose fats because of the long, boring cardio exercise that needs to be undertaken? We have all subscribed to the old adage that putting your body on that prolonged, boring, cardio exercise would make you lose weight. STOP! Did I mention lose weight? Yes. That was done deliberately.

Studies have shown that cardio exercises, though designed to uplift your cardiovascular intensity, may do little to burn fats but at the same time, also make you lose muscle tissue. That results in reduction in weight - Loss of Little Fats + Loss of Muscle Fibres. Little fats are burned and muscle tissues are also burned during cardio workouts.

Your body goes into a 'steady' state when a cardio session is undertaken at a constant pace for a long period. When this happens, the body's natural instinct is to strive to conserve calories and this natural instinct places a cap on the amount of calories that could be burned.

However, in Turbulence Training, there is no room for the body to go into a 'steady' state. The alternate intensity the body is exposed to prohibits the body from going to a 'steady' state. So what results? More calories are being burned and that too, at a shorter time!

Turbulence Training has been scientifically proven to show that they can burn fats more effectively than long aerobic workouts. The facts cannot be disputed when it is actually vouched by Craig Ballantyne, a world-renowned trainer who is also a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

Mr. Craig Ballantyne has developed a comprehensive, structured program to lose fats and gain muscles at the same time. The Turbulence Training workouts from his program are surely a god's gift to people like us, who are hassled with so many external pressures of work, family and finance. If all it takes is three intense, short - less than 45 minutes workouts per week to lose that unsightly fat hanging around your physical sphere, I think any of you people reading this article should be rushing to buy this program.

Mr. Craig's has hugely under-priced this program for the excellent value it can offer to anyone. For merely $39.95, you get access to a package that consists of comprehensive e-books and several other bonus products. I remember two year ago, I hired a personal trainer whom I had to pay $45 per hour. I had about 4 sessions, each 3 hours with him and I gave up after he placed me in that boring, long cardio workout witch did not show significant difference.

Today, with this program, I managed to see significant difference within two week. The variety of workouts taught has made my training sessions more fun-filled and it gets even better when I workout with other friends. However, I have got to stress here that as in any fitness program, a healthy diet is equally as important to fuel the body with the necessities. All these information and more are encompassed by this single valuable package!

The internet is hosting a huge smorgasbord of "lose fat fast", "magic tea to melt your fats" and such kind of programs. People are paying hundreds and are expecting miracles to happen over night. Among such programs, Turbulence Training has really stood out. It offers no shortcut to lose fats fast. It still needs you to put the effort and commitment. However, it has also provided scientific proof that such efforts undertaken will not go down the drains.

I have introduced this program to many of my friends and family members. And I am not going to stop here. Any soul whom I hit upon in my gym who is labouringly running on that treadmill to lose those fats, I have taken it as a duty to approach and advise them. What greater satisfaction can there be then to show someone the right, truthful path to achieve their fitness goal. Have I shown you that path yet?

About the Author

Please visit www.reviewsrealm.com for further information on the product.

For further enquiries, feel free to contact me at reviewsrealm@gmail.com

Riss writes review for newly released niche products which offer great value. He works for a company called Reviews Realm.Reviews Realm specializes in reviewing the latest niche products which offer great value for consumers. Each product is carefully scrutinized and reviewed inside out to ensure con

Side Note: Try This For You

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Your Old Jeans Will Fit You! by Arthur Carry

Are you getting late every morning for work and for occasions? Well, it is not very promising if you want to stay in your job for a long time and want people not to pass comment on your punctuality. However, you can't help it, you are giving your full effort to come on time but it is not working out. Is it happening because all your clothes have become too small for you and you have not changed your wardrobe to your present size?

Well, is it because of time limitation you haven't changed your wardrobe or due to other reasons? Am sure you didn't change because you thought you will reduce back to the size you were before. However, the sad truth is that it is not happening and so, every morning you end up trying atleast five shirts and trousers until you find the right one which makes you a little bit slim than the others and you end up being late for work. Anyway how long you are going to be late or more appropriately I should say how long you will wait for a magic to happen.

Becoming fat and gaining weight is very easy especially if you are careless in what you are eating. Once you begin to gain weight it is very hard to lose the extra pounds. Crying will do you no wonder and waiting for the day when you will be able to fit in your old clothes will never come, it will just be like building a castle in the air. Therefore, if you are seriously not planning to buy new clothes and determine to lose weight, you must start taking exercises immediately to burn all the extra fats from your body.

Eating the right kind of food is also important. You should not crash diet as your body will suffer in the end. Further, dieting alone is dangerous as it can lead to bulimia and anorexia. Not every food makes you fat but excess of everything is bad. If food is making us fat, it is rather our lack of self control rather than the food. We should take healthy food like lots of green vegetables, sea foods, fruits etc and avoid rich oily junk foods and red meats.

If you are morbidly obese, you may use xenical weight loss program. Xenical was approved by the FDA on April 23, 1999, for the long term treatment of obesity. It is also strictly stated that xenical weight loss diet pill should be taken in combination with physical exercises and dieting. Xenical diet pill directly works in the digestive system. It functions in the gastrointestinal area and prevents the accumulation of unwanted fats in the body by cutting down the absorption of fat in the digestive system. The undigested fats are exerted in the bowel movement.

Thus Xenical mechanism is different and unlike the other so called diet pills which act on the brain, suppresses hunger and cut downs the appetite. It is also much safer than the others and has the least of side-effects which are mild and go away within a few days. Other diet pills which work on the brain can have damaging side-effects such as depression, anxiety, infertility, suicidal thoughts etc and can be the root of many other disabilities which can happen in future.

So, get your best diet pill today, you can buy xenical online and if you combine it with regular exercise and proper diet, you will fit into your old jeans in no time.

About the Author

The writer is a dietician who likes giving health and diet related tips as well as useful information on weight loss and diet pills such as xenical, phentermine, adipex et al.

Side Note: Here To Help You Get Back Into Your Old Clothes

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Weight Loss - 10 Top Industry Secrets by Leigh Brandon

Would you like to finally be in total control of your body weight? Would you like to know what you need to eat, what type of activity is right for you and other lifestyle tips to be and stay in control?

The amount of people overweight or obese is becoming a real problem today. Many of my clients come to me because they have tried everything else to lose weight, but have been unsuccessful.

But is it obesity really a problem?

According to a report in February 2004, published by the Royal College of Physicians, the Faculty of Public Health, and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, over half the UK population is either overweight or obese in 2002 70% of men and 63% of women.

One in 5 adults is obese and obesity in 2 to 4 year old children almost doubled from 5-9% from 1989 to 1998, and in 6-15 year olds trebled from 5-16% between 1990 and 2001.

If current trends continue it is estimated that at least one third of adults, one fifth of boys, and one third of girls will be obese by 2020. I'm sure you'll agree this is a sorry state of affairs.

So Why is the Problem Getting Worse?

With all the Doctors, nutritionists, health clubs, slimming clubs and diet foods available, we are still getting fatter. So why is this?

There are two main reasons why. Firstly many experts only focus on their area of expertise, their own! For example, a nutritionist may focus on food. To ensure you will need to focus on the whole body.

Secondly, much of the advice given today is very misleading.

According to Rivera & Deutsch, "The Weight Loss industry is not making money because its efforts are working. It's making billions of dollars because they are not working"

So, what do you do?

To get yourself fired up, think of what you will be like once you achieve your ideal body shape. What would you feel like? How would life be different? What would you be able to do then that you can't do now? Think about it for a few minutes? Write it down. No now, write it down! No, really, write it down right now.

OK, well done!

When I ask my clients these questions, they often tell me they can wear nice clothes, play with their children, play sports, go dancing, be more confident, have more self esteem, look more attractive and feel more secure in their relationship.

Below are my top ten solutions to achieve your ideal weight. They have been listed in an order that you may find useful to follow:

1. Set yourself three goals (no more) per week to put the advice below into practise.

2. Drink at least 2 litres of good quality water per day.

3. Contact a Metabolic Typing Advisor to find out what foods are right for your biochemical individuality so you can lose weight and to support you along the way.

4. Eat according to your Metabolic Type using as much organic and non-processed foods as possible.

5. Avoid consuming wheat, pasteurised dairy, processed salt and sugar.

6. Do a combination of resistance and aerobic exercise on alternating days.

7. Get to bed each evening by 10-10.30pm and sleep for 8 hours per night.

8. Have down-time each day to relax, even if it's only ten minutes. Meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi are good ways to relax. Work up to 30-minutes per day where possible. Please note, television is not relaxing to your body, it only stresses it further.

9. At the end of each week, assess your goal achievements, give yourself feedback. Acknowledge successes and pat yourself on the back, no matter how small the success. If you had any challenges, write down what you can do in the following week to overcome it? Write down your three goals for the following week. Repeat weekly.

10. If you have tried all the above for at least 3-months and have still not achieved any results, contact a BodyTalk™ Practitioner or Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner to see if emotional blockages are halting your progress.

Good luck!

About the Author

Leigh is a holistic health practitioner who helps people to achieve their ideal weight, rehabilitate injuries and condition for sports in his BodyCHEK Clinic in London. He also runs the amazing "Take Control" Get Healthy Programme. (T) + 44 (0) 870 486 2470 (E) info@bodychek.co.uk (W) http://www.bodychek.co.uk/ (W) http://leighbrandon.typepad.com/

Side Note: Take Action Now

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Diet Soup: Popular Soup Diets To Help You To Lose Weight by Julia Denham

You've heard of the many "soup" diets which promise to help you to lose weight quickly, and you're intrigued. It sounds simple: drink soup for a few days and lose weight.

The soup diets are simple, and they certainly can help you to lose weight. However, they're not a miracle dieting solution. You can't live on soup forever. They help you to lose weight in two ways: they can kick-start your diet, and they can help you to get off a diet plateau.

Let's start by looking at a couple of recipes which I like and use myself.

The Popular Cabbage Diet Soup - Vegetables With A Dried Soup Base

This diet has as its base packet onion soup mix, or any other dry packet soup which appeals to you.

Here's how to make it. Shred one CABBAGE into a large pot. Thinly slice other vegetables you have on hand: ONION, CARROTS, GREEN BEANS, and TOMATOES and add those to the pot too. Add the dry soup mix (one packet or two) and a tin of CANNED TOMATOES. Add water. Stir, and bring to the boil; boil for five to ten minutes.

Turkey Taco Diet Soup - Hot, Spicy, And Satisfying

The base of this diet is taco seasoning mix. You can add half a pound of minced turkey or chicken if you wish. The main ingredients are three large tins of kidney beans (drained and rinsed), two large tins of diced canned tomatoes (added as-is), and a diced onion. Add everything to a large pot with a cup of water, and stir. Heat to boiling, then simmer for around 40 minutes.

Feel Full And Lose Weight - You're Never Hungry

The main benefit of the diets soups is that they fill you up for minimal calories. You can eat as much of the soups as you want for your main meal of the day; if you feel hungry between meals, have a cup of the soup. You can also take the soups to work with you.

As we've said, the soups are not a quick fix. They will help you to lose weight if you use them sensibly: to get started on a weight loss program, or to get off a diet plateau. Don't use them as a mainstay of your diet for more than five days. You can however make them up and keep them in the fridge and the freezer so that if you very hungry you've always got a meal handy.

Enjoy your diet soups.

About the Author

You can get healthy and lose weight for good. Visit 30 Day Slimmer at http://www.30dayslimmer.com/ for information on healthy diets and successful weight loss, and Top Metabolism at http://www.topmetabolism.com/ for advice on boosting your metabolism. The 30 Day Slimmer Blog at http://www.30dayslimmer.com/blog/ gives you daily advice on making weight loss fast, easy and fun.

Side Note: Click Here To Start A Great Day

Get In Shape: Top Ten Tips To Keep Motivated by Mike Stapenhurst

It's not at all easy to remain motivated to exercise for long periods of time. No matter how optimistic and positive-thinking you are, exercise workouts have the tendency to grow more and more boring as the time goes by. So how could you make your exercise program less monotonous and more fun? Here are a few tips:

1. Set Goals
This can be any thing you want as long as it's realistic. For example if you're a beginner runner, you could aim to run a half marathon within one year. If you're weight lifting it could be to increase your weights (or reps) by a certain percentage by next month. If you have a long range goal, split it up into intemermediate short term goals. A good example is weight loss, aim to lose two pounds the first week instead of trying to focus on a long term goal of say 20 pounds.

2. Try something new.
Do you workout in a gym? Perhaps you can use a different exercise machine or do your exercise program in a different area of the gym. If you exercise at home, try rearranging the order of the exercises.

3. Monitor your progress
This is a big motivator! Keeping a logbook really helps to look back over the previous weeks and see what you have accomplished and what you have missed out. If you're looking for a log book try Personal Logs.com ( www.personallogs.com). They have an interesting line of logs for different sports.

4. Outdoor circuits in parks
Some parks have established courses and all you need to do is follow the posted instructions. If you need to, devise a course of your own. You could, for instance, come up with a combination of sprinting, jogging and walking inserted with various physical exercises like push ups and stretching.

5. Try hiking or riding a bicycle.
They are both great ways to relax and exercise at the same time. Taking a walk without having a precise destination in mind can be relaxing too. If you've never tried yoga, now is a good time to do so. Yoga helps train the body while you unwind. New scenery can be invigorating, that's why you should try to change the place where you exercise from time to time.

6.Exercise with a friend
Get an exercise buddy or training partner. A partner can give you a challenge, help you and encourage you to continue exercising.

7. Join a club or a team.
Join a running club or local team of soccer or volleyball or you can just get together with some friends and play a match of double tennis or throw some hoops. These activities are a great way to create new friendships.

8. Change your schedule
If possible change your workout times occasionally to avoid the feeling of being in a rut.

9. Visualization
When you are exercising, visualize your muscles becoming bigger. Studies have shown that your muscles respond better to exercise when you focus your entire attention on them. Many successful athletes talk about visualizing themselves crossing the finish line, and this helps them in the actual race.

10. Take Time Off
Professional athletes are very aware of feeling "burned out" mentally as much as physically. If you train all the time this will happen to you too! Make sure you build "time off" into your training schedule. You can do this every two weeks or once a month, whatever works for you. When you come back you'll be 'gung ho' and ready for new challenges.

There you have it -- several ways you can make your exercise program more fun and appealing, and certainly less monotonous. The key point is to have goals and eliminate repetitive routine so you don't become bored. Use your imagination and you'll have a great time exercising.

About the Author

Mike is a long-time fitness enthusiast, runner and walker. He is co-author of the book "Marathon Training Tips". He maintains a website "26.2" about marathon information and training at 26.2 - The Marathon Website and is a contributing author to the Get In Shape website.

Side Note: Take the first step now

Friday, July 20, 2007

Building The Muscles - Body Building by Kent Makro

Building muscles is commonly known as bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is the process that develops the muscle fibers through the combination of various weight lifting techniques, sufficient nutrition and adequate rest. One who does all these is a bodybuilder. Apart from self satisfaction and healthiness, this is also one of the important sports. In this, bodybuilders show their physiques with various gestures and postures against the panel of judges. Bodybuilders are judged by their aesthetic appearance. The muscles are exhibited through a combination of fat loss, tanning (or tanning lotions) and oils. This combination offers lightning or shining of each muscle to look more attractive and to judge easily.

To build the muscles, there is no age bar. Generally when an individual is adolescent, bodybuilding can be started. Continuous exercises and different ways to lift different weighs will make the body in shape. Bodybuilding is generally looked by cuts and curves of the body. Each of the muscle can be trained to be stronger. Though all the muscles in the body can be shaped up; biceps, thighs, back, chest and abdomen are major areas where cuts look more attractive.

There are innumerable gyms and bodybuilding centers available in the market. These gyms are fully equipped with latest instruments for developing the muscles. These equipments include various sizes of dumbles, multi-exerciser, weight lifting instruments, chest developer, abdomen developer and many more. A person, who coaches you how to build a body, is generally well built and contest winner.

Along with all these heavy exercises, the most important expect of the bodybuilding is meeting the appropriate need of nourishment. The high levels of muscle growth and repair surely requires specialized food plan. In other words, bodybuilders require some extra calories to meet their needs. During exercises, calories burn a lot, muscles consume energy and hence they are to be fed up regularly and heavily.

The carbohydrates play essential role in bodybuilders as they give the body energy to deal with hard training and so the recoveries. One who wants muscle building; seek out low-glycemic polysaccharides and other carbohydrates those are slow to digest. These all release energy in a stable fashion as compare to high-glycemic sugars and starches. However, it is advisable to consume quickly digesting sugars in a form of pure dextrose or maltodextrin after their workouts to restore their energy levels. They also require protein in abandon quantity.

There are some functional proteins like motor protein that includes myosin, dynein and kinesin generate the power, which is exerted by contraction of muscles. Bodybuilders generally require splitting their foods into five to seven meals a day with regular intervals and timings. The whole idea is to increase the basal metabolic rate and so to increase the strength level.

There are dietary supplements for bodybuilding. These supplements are available in pills or capsule forms. They contain vitamins, amino acids or fatty acids to aid the health. The category may also include herbal supplements, which increase the vigor and nourish the entire body systems especially musculo-skeletal system.

About The Author

To learn more on BODY BUILDING go to BODY BUILDING Blog.

Side Note: Make A Change Now

So, You Want to Lose Weight ? by Suzie Smith

Let me help you ...

People are overweight for 3 simple reasons -- they eat the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and also eat meals in the wrong patterns.

I have battled with my weight for over 20 years - but not any more. Look closely at what I'm going to tell you, because it's going to change the way you think about dieting.

FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the FOOD that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.

You have gotten overweight by eating the wrong foods, that much is a fact. And guess what? You can get SLIM by eating the RIGHT FOODS at the RIGHT INTERVALS each day. It's not really any more complicated than that, and the way to start losing weight has nothing to do with starving yourself or jogging.

Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK. Low fat foods have been popular for the last 15 to 20 years, but yet society as a whole is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight. You cannot lose weight using a Low Fat Diet.

Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK. Eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight. Low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt. (known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself. You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Diet.

Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK. Low carb diets have become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu. You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Diet.

What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans? Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time. With a weight loss of about 2 pounds per week. Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program. Some people like these types of diets, but I prefer a diet plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program. I have discovered that when you rotate your eating patterns it takes a few days before your metabolism can adjust itself to the new eating patterns, and that is what this new dieting technique is all about, it forces fat burning to happen.

How Do You ROTATE Your Eating Patterns? The answer to weight loss is not really about rotating your overall calorie intake. The answer to weight loss is SHIFTING THE TYPES of CALORIES that you eat.

The Theory behind Shifting Calories Your metabolism doesn't know how much food you'll eat tomorrow or the next day because those days have not happened yet. Therefore, your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days. So, If you shock your metabolism by doing something you've never done before, (don't continue eating the same types of calories and meals for more than a couple days at a time) you're going to lose weight because of this.

For this to work you need to SHIFT the types of calories eaten, and if you do this then your metabolism will burn all of the calories you've eaten. Then, when its finished burning those calories it will find the nearest available fat tissue on your body and burn that off too.

You could lose 9lbs every 11 days ... YES! You could be 11 days away from a new you .

To learn how please visit the website

About the Author


Suzie Smith - no longer fighting the fat

Side Note: Make A Change Today

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Two steps to muscle fitness undo middle-age spread by Alwyn Lee Beikoff

If you've been around for half a lifetime and haven't thought much about your muscle fitness, chances are your middle portion is a bit on the large and spongy side and those soft flabby bits are sagging like cheese slices melting in the sun.

You might even count your blessings that you are not considered one of the 60% of the population that is overweight. But that little bit of excess fat that's steadily increasing around your waist is a growing concern as you become increasingly aware that your muscle fitness is on the decline.

It's easy not to worry about it because the change is ever so gradual. You can safely think 'it's not too bad yet, there's plenty of time - I'll fix it later'.

Often though, later never comes and if it does, you're confronted with a bigger task than ever - so big that you might even give up before you start. On top of that, while you're waiting for later to come, your body is weakening and deteriorating and muscle is withering away, further adding to the difficulty of shaping up and improving your fitness.

So the first thing you need to do is:

Decide why it is important to shape up and improve your muscle fitness.

The why is most important because these reasons provide the emotional power that will draw you toward your goal and simultaneously attract your goal to you.

Here are two good reasons for you:

1. Aged health

As you grow older what quality of life would you like to enjoy? Does the prospect of shuffling along or having a stooped and bent posture appeal to you? How about the possibility of brittle weak bones fracturing easily and launching you in hospital for a spell?

Building bone density and strength is especially crucial for women. Bone density is lost at about a percent a year from about 40 onwards. A moderate regular weight bearing program will build muscle and fitness and arrest this loss and probably start to recover some of the density already lost. Don't wait till later to build bone density.

2. Self-image

While you don't see increasing bone density you do see the change to body shape after a while. You do see the firmness in the muscles and you do feel the better fitness. There is no denying that generally people look and feel more physically attractive when they are slim and happy with their shape. Also, other people generally regard slim people as being more attractive than overweight people.

The second thing to do is decide what you will do to remove that spare tyre on the waist, those love handles on the hip or that roll over the front of your pants.

Remember, liposuction or other such surgeries will not strengthen bone, build muscle, fitness or develop good habits but exercise will so there's really only one choice here (apart from the obvious choice of eating correctly).

So in choosing the type of exercise for you keep in mind these few points:

* It must be something you can enjoy doing.

* Start light and slowly and gradually increase the intensity or length of your workout.

* Include stretching, aerobics and weight bearing exercises

* Support and enhance your physical exercises with a good diet.

* Select a convenient regular time to workout so it becomes part of your habit and routine.

* Vary what you do occasionally to keep your workouts fresh and interesting

* Buddy up with someone and help keep each other going.

So there you go if you've got a little bit of tummy sag or even a pretty hefty spare tyre it's not really that hard to remove it. Expend more energy than you consume. Knowing what to do is not rocket science. It's pretty simple really as outlined above. Don't wait till later to build muscle and improve fitness or until you've got everything right before starting. At the very least get outside and start walking (at a good pace).

You don't have to get it right, just get it going.

About the Author

Alwyn Beikoff (http://www.BodyMindUnlimited.com) is an educator and personal performance coach who helps people the world over to change the way they think and create the body and life they desire.

Side Note: Click Here Now

When you are not fit by Kaylie Hong

Five reasons for not being fit.

What will happen to you if you do not exercise? What is your level of health and fitness when you age and remain inactive? Let's take a look at the typical aging sedentary person.

Here are five possible

1. Cardiovascular Fitness For your car to work well, you have to run it regularly. Well, your body works in the same way. Your heart is a muscle just like any other muscles. If you condition your heart, it becomes a strong pump. Therefore when you are resting, your heart does not have to beat very quickly. An Olympics-level athlete can have a resting heart rate of 30 beats per minute.

But if you do not condition the heart, it becomes a weaker and less efficient pump. As a result, a weak heart has to pump more times per minute. A sedentary individual can have a resting heart rate of 80, 90 or 100 beats per minute. That's up to 70 more beats per minute than the heart of a highly trained athlete. Imagine any piece of equipment or machinery -- if you have to use it more often, the chance for wear and tear and breakdown is greater. You can clearly see why people who are sedentary often experience more significant problems with their hearts.

2. Muscle Tissue As you age you can expect to experience 33 per cent reduction in muscle fibers over your lifetime. One-third of your muscle mass is loss! Women, who are sedentary, can experience an even more significant loss. By the time she is 80, she will have only about a third of the muscle mass she had at 40. This equates to an average individual losing approximately three kilograms of muscle each decade. Your muscle loss will accelerate after age 45.

This significant loss of muscle mass can lead to numerous other negative health factors and thus simultaneously can lead to many complications.

3. Metabolic Rate Muscle tissue is energy-burning tissue. It is estimated that if you add about half a kilogram of muscle to your body, you will burn an additional 30 to 40 calories per day. When you start to lose muscle, it negatively impacts your resting metabolic rate and you start to burn fewer calories every day. This means that, as you age, you can expect a two per cent reduction in metabolic rate each decade. This results in reduced caloric requirements which mean that your body will need fewer calories per day. But most of us do not change our eating habits and diet. Therefore, this can lead to creeping obesity, a phenomenon most aging adult will experience.

4. Body Fat Creeping obesity means you can expect to experience an average weight gain of 4.5 kilograms per decade as you age into your seventies. We already discussed the fact that as you age you begin to lose muscle mass. So if you are losing muscle weight but gaining total body weight, where is all that extra weight coming from? You guessed it -- body fat! The average woman body fat as a proportion of her total body mass will increase from 25 per cent to 43 per cent as she ages, and a man's will increase from 18 per cent to 38 per cent. This increases the risk for obesity-related disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis and coronary artery disease. Increased fatness triples the normal risk of heart disease and stroke.

5. Strength As you can imagine, a loss in muscle strength is a direct result of the loss in muscle mass that occurs as you age. At about the age of 50, strength starts to decrease so significantly those older adults in their seventies and eighties can expect to have only 50 per cent of the strength of young adults. This decline in strength is linked with increased risk of falls, increased frailty and loss of functional independence.

That was depressing. I hope these points will inspire you to embark on a fitness program.

About the Author

Is there anything else you want to find out how to build up your fitness? When you regularly exercise and eat a healthy diet, you will live healthier, happier and longer.

For more informations visit http://www.HealthFitnessSecret.com

Side Note: Take the first step now