Many people complain about upper back and chest pain, the problem may be caused by poor posture. while standing or working in a seated position the muscles in the upper back, connected to the shoulder blades becomes stressed and painful. When the pain begins suddenly it may be confused with a heart attack, since it begins mainly in the back and can feel like a spike being driven all the way through the chest cavity.
To determine if the pain is heart related,ask the person to take a deep breath.If the pain becomes worse while inhaling, there are chances of posture causing the upper back and chest pain. However, it is always better to have any pains in the chest investigated by a doctor.A wrong diagnosis by an unqualified person can be deadly.
People sit in front of a computer for extended periods with their arms held slightly up, are putting a lot of strain on the shoulder muscles, especially if their elbows are not supported. This can cause upper back and chest pain.
severe upper back and chest pain can be relieved through pinpoint massage at the central point of the pain between the shoulders. An exercise that can help to reduce this type of pain is called a shoulder raise. Standing in an upright position with arms hanging straight down, lift the shoulder as his as they will go and without dropping them down, rotate them towards the back, then allow them to be lowered. Be repeating this exercise 10 or more times twice a day, it can help alleviate and prevent upper back and chest pain.
Swimming can also help to eliminate upper back and chest pain.With the head raised to stay out of the water, the body naturally extends itself to help the muscles to become more relaxed. While seated, constant reminders to sit up straight and maintaining good posture can do wonders to relieve the causes of upper back and chest pain.
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Roger Thoompson writes on Arthritis Relief for a Website dedicated to arhritis & pain relief information
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